Thursday, December 26, 2019

Diversity And Adversity Resilience Essay - 1717 Words

Diversity and Adversity: Resilience in American Higher Education, 1860-1890’ and Today; Gender and Education Diversity in Higher Education Introduction Over the last forty years of working in the field of Education, Betty Colonomos, has observed the growth of diversity in Higher Educations as one of the most positive impacts. In Colonomos’s opinion, â€Å"The student population shifted, so the demands shifted to meet their needs, and as well, our understanding of their needs. Diversity expansions, provides us with a wider opportunity of cross culture learning, with classes such as; Black studies, Women studies, and Social Justice.† Colonomos has also observed in addition to the curriculum of colleges, the need to attend college sways with the demands of the work force. Examining the idea that, â€Å"for over half -a- century the job marked has moved from manufacturing to a service economy. Most service jobs today require an education making it impetus for people to go to college. Today, you just cannot support your family on jobs like coal mining. The evolving job market, and cost of living, has made it crucial for p eople to go to school, changing the History of Higher Education.† This paper will examine diversity expansion and the evolution of higher education, and how that has or has not impacted women. We will do so by way of a comparison of â€Å"American Higher Education, 1860-1890’† to today (Thelin, 2011). Women and Education Civil War While there were some women colleges atShow MoreRelatedThe Research of Resilience998 Words   |  4 PagesOver decades, the research of resilience has developed from understanding individual’s resilience qualities and protective factors, to the process of resilience and the interventions that promote resilience (Richardson, 2002; Wright et al., 2013). Recently, the focus of resilience shift to the neurobiological process because of the development of science and technology (Wright et al., 2013). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Julius Caesar Character Analysis - 899 Words

Apparently, the North Star is also a pincushion. William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, is about the assassination of the titular future king and the aftermath of this event. Julius Caesar was loved by all the common people but hated by the aristocracy. Many characters in this play end up dying due to this event. Many of them had thought themselves immortal. As a genius playwright, Shakespeare was able to include hidden messages in his plays. In this specific play, he was able to demonstrate many life truths, but the most important one is that death comes for everyone no matter who they are. A couple of the characters like Caesar and Brutus believed they wouldn’t die, others like Cassius planned on it, in the end they all died.†¦show more content†¦Caesar clearly believed he wouldn’t die, yet death still came for him. Second, Brutus also didn’t believe he would die because he thought he was doing the best for Rome. When the conspirators meet t o decide how they would kill Caesar, Brutus says, â€Å"Let’s carve him as a dish fit for the gods, not hew him as a carcass fit for hounds and let our hearts, as subtle masters do, stir up their servants to an act of rage and after seem to chide ‘em. This shall make our purpose necessary and not envious: Which so appearing to the common eyes, we shall be called purgers, not murderers† (Shakespeare 61). Brutus thinks that if they seemed justified in Caesar’s killing, the people won’t kill them and will praise them as heros. Before going into battle at Philippi, Brutus says he wouldn’t kill himself because, â€Å"I did blame Cato for the death which he did give himself (I know not how, but I do find it cowardly and vile, for fear of what might fall, so to prevent the time of life)† (Shakespeare 187). Brutus says he won’t kill himself and that he believes it to be cowardly to do so. He also says there is no way he’d allow h imself to be brought back to Rome in chains. By saying this, it is shown that he believes that they would win the battle. Later on he hypocritically asks his soldiers to help him kill himself, â€Å"Hold, then, my sword, and turn away thy face while I do run upon it† (Shakespeare 207). He had previously said that killing oneself is a cowardly thingShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis of Julius Caesar1421 Words   |  6 PagesJulius Caesar Character Analysis Cassius Strengths and Weaknesses Cassius was one of the conspirators against Cesar and proves to be a powerful character in Shakespeares, Julius Caesar. He has much strength and very few weaknesses and this helped him achieve small goals that led to his main goal of killing Caesar. One of Cassius strengths is his ability to influence people using flattery and pressure. In Act 1, Scene 2, Cassius demonstrates this strength by influencing Brutus to think moreRead MoreJulius Caesar Character Analysis Essay1017 Words   |  5 Pages The author of Julius Caesar is William Shakespeare, an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. He was born on July 13 in 1564 and died in 1616. It was written to be a tragedy and was one of the seventh plays written off true events that happened in Roman time. Also includes Coriolanus, Antony, and Cleopatra. Drama of the play focuses on Brutus’ struggle between the conflicting demands of honor, patriotism, and friendship. Opens with â€Å"twoRead MoreJulius Caesar Character Analysis1332 Words   |  6 PagesBrutus’s Wife Of all female characters in Shakespeare, few possess the vigor and assertion that Portia demonstrates in Shakespeare’s classic political tragedy, Julius Caesar. Overshadowed by all of the chaos and unrest in the life of our protagonist, Brutus, a complex emotional and ethical journey is taking place, represented by Portia, Brutus’s wife. Portia exists in the text to shed light and understanding on an arch that isn’t always as apparent to the audience. In production of the play, directorsRead MoreJulius Caesar Character Analysis852 Words   |  4 Pagesdislike people. In this play, Julius Caesar, there were many different characters with many different personalities. I believe that Soothsayer is the most honorable character, and I believe that Brutus is the most corrupt. I believe that Soothsayer is the most honorable character for multiple reasons. One reason I believe this is because he tried to warn Caesar two times about the Ides of March. Caesar marked him as unimportant, and he ignored Soothsayer. Despite Caesar saying he was unimportant, heRead MoreJulius Caesar Character Analysis1546 Words   |  7 Pagesmight, or will, start taking advantage of them. In one of Shakespeare’s plays, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, it demonstrates that being too trusting of someone could end with bad consequences. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, one of the main characters, Brutus, trusted his best friend, Cassius, with everything. Brutus trusted that Cassius was right about him being a new ruler of Rome, how killing Caesar would make a safer and better living space for the community, and that the people would supportRead MoreJulius Caesar Character Analysis785 Words   |  4 Pageslanguage† (Keach 253). In the play Julius Caesar, William Shakespea re uses metals to add emphasis to the play. These references to metal are used in the play as a form of characterization, as a way to establish the mood, and as a way to explain the ideas of the characters. The characterization helps the audience to have a better understanding of the characters and their personalities, the mood further explains what the characters are feeling in relation to Caesar and his death, and they emphasizeRead MoreJulius Caesar Character Analysis842 Words   |  4 PagesWhen it comes down to identifying true friends, not everyone will show loyalty in the same way. In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Brutus and Antony have flaws and varying beliefs which led them down different paths, as well as individual ways of displaying this ardent behavior. Everyone has different faults or quirks that can get in the way and cause us to do some pretty hurtful things. But Shakespeare shows us that although these flaws produce bad outcomes, they might have more positiveRead MoreJulius Caesar Character Analysis2014 Words   |  9 PagesJulius Caesar is a play about the death of Julius Caesar and how his death affects the Roman Empire. The play was written in 1599 by William Shakespeare. Even though the play is about Julius Caesar, the main character isn’t Julius Caesar, but really is Brutus. Brutus deals with internal conflict during the play because at first he doesn’t want to cause any harm to his emperor but Cassius convinces him that the other senators and he should do something about Caesar. Cassius is another senator forRead MoreJulius Caesar Character Analysis Essay834 Words   |  4 Pageswas once a friend that ended up costing someone’s life. In the play Julius Caesar the entire situation gets out of hand, Caesar had still thought his true friend, Cassius, was loyal to him. Cassius is to be known of betraying, his once good friend, Caesar. Even someone as loyal as one may think, everyone’s potenti al can be unexpected and hazardous. The situation gets even more out of control as Cassius decided to deceive Caesar, only then to hurt him in the end. Cassius appears to be a threat, althoughRead More Brutus Character Analysis in Shakespeares Tragedy of Julius Caesar964 Words   |  4 PagesCharacter Analysis: Brutus William Shakespeares play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, was mainly based on the assassination of Julius Caesar. The character who was the mastermind behind the assassination was, ironically, Marcus Brutus, a senator and close friend to Julius Caesar. But what would cause a person to kill a close friend? After I examined Brutus relationship towards Caesar, his involvement in the conspiracy and his importance to the plot it all became clear. Brutus had one particular

Monday, December 9, 2019

3 Non Traditional Religions Voodoo, Spiritualism, Essay Example For Students

3 Non Traditional Religions Voodoo, Spiritualism, Essay CultsReligion is primary agent of social control in our society. Due to its communally held beliefs and principles, we have a foundation on which we can rest the laws, values, and the main doctrine, of almost any society. Here in America, we have tremendous freedom in both establishing and in choosing the religion of our choice. This freedom has given birth to many non-traditional religions and practices. When discussing the topic of social control and order within a society, these non-traditional religions can be used very strongly to bring about social change within an individual then into the population. On the rise in our nation, is the emergence of voodoo practices, the belief in spiritualism, and many groups of cults. Each one of these religions has the extreme ability to influence the individual in many psychological and physical ways, drastically changing a persons behavioral patterns. While inducing these changes upon the individual, many people can and usually will, succumb explicit exploitation of themselves as well as their economic resources. Voodoo, whose name derived from the African word for spirit (Origins of Voodoo), came to us through the European colonization of the West Indies. African tribes were forcibly shipped overseas, primarily to Haiti and other Caribbean lands, to be used as agricultural slaves. Upon the arrival in their new country, the slaves were baptized into the Roman Catholic Church. In fear of revolt, the colonists separated the many tribes of slaves and had them dispersed all across the new land. This result was a mixture of African slaves, forced to live together, naturally adapting to each others lifestyles, habits, and beliefs systems. The slaves were forced to attend a Catholic Mass on a regular basis, however, many of the assimilated tribes continued to practice their native religion. When the colonists found this out, the persecution of many African slaves took place. They were violently beaten and killed for worshiping their own gods, and not the one of the Catholic religion. It was through this persecution that the tribes did not separate; rather, they came together and formed together with the common bond of their religion. The religious beliefs and the rituals from many of the tribes began it integrate, ultimately creating a new religion: Voodoo. Voodoo is based on the manifestation of the spirit world through the channel of the human being. This is achieved through the acts of rituals in highly structured Voodoo ceremonies, which are preformed by a Voodoo Priest. A male priest is referred to as a Houngan, and a female is referred to as a Mambo. There are two types of Voodoo or magic, used in Voodoo, White Magic, and Black Magic. White Magic involves the usage of candles, oils, plants, and potions, to obtain certain things in life. For example, one might attend or perform a White Magic ceremony to obtain power, love, or money. This ritual or ceremony is used in a positive manner only, it causes no harm, nor does it pose any threat upon the individual or on others. Black Magic or Red Voodoo, on the other hand, involves evil and harmful acts. Black magic is preformed by a Bokor, which is one who uses evil acts of sorcery, involving death and zombie curses. A zombie curse involves a ritual where the Bokor poisons his human subject, resulting in death. After three days, the dead is revived and becomes the Bokors eternal slave (Haitian Voodoo Culture). The followers of the Voodoo religion believe in one Supreme Being, named Bondye. Under Bondye, there are hundreds of minor gods and Loas. A Loas refers to the spirit of someone who has led an exceptional life. The Loas exercise control over nature, health, wealth, happiness, and all prosperity of mortals. The human followers and the Laos exercise a dependency-based relationship with one another. The Loas provide prosperity, and the humans provide food, and other material objects to the Laos as an offering. The altars that are each dedicated to one specific Loa are encompassed with candles, pictures of the Loa, and anything else referring to the Loa. A prime example of a Loa is one named Zaka. Zaka is the god or spirit of agriculture; he provides prosperity over the crops of any given land. One might want to make contact with this Loa to ensure abundance in the years crop. Through the ritual and the altar, one might present an offering of seeds, fruit, or a shovel. In return, the Loa will provide health, fortune, and protection of evil spirits over his followers. In the doctrine of Voodoo, the human soul is made up of two parts: the Gros-bon-ange and the Ti-bon-age. The Ti-bon-age is the part of the soul that leaves the body during sleep and the part that can also be possessed by a Loa in a ceremony. The Gros-bon-ange is the part of the soul, which upon death, rejoins with the sprit world and can be reused. It a common belief in Voodoo, that the soul can be taken over by evil spirits when it is freed from the body. It is through the act of rituals in ceremonies that a voodoo priest is able to make contact with the spiritual world. A Voodoo ceremony takes place in a temple called a Honfor. At the center of Honfor is a spirit pole called a Poto-Mitan. The Poto-Mitan represents the center of the universe and it is through this pole, that humans are able to connect with the spirit world. A voodoo ceremony has several key elements that make it possible to connect with the spirit world. A general voodoo ceremony would be acted out as follows:A feas t would be held before the main ceremony. This feast may include the sharing of food, and or alcohol. The ceremony will them begin with the introduction of the Veve banners or flags. A Hounsis (A Voodoo priestess), will bring these flags out and wave them around to assist in the summoning of Loa. The flags are created by the Houngan and are made out of silk or satin material. They are decorated with sequins, beads, and seed pearls. Meanwhile, in the background there is a constant rhythm of drumbeats. The music and dancing play an important role in the ceremony. It is through the music that one is able to be put into a trance-like state and become possessed by the Loa. Within the ceremony, there are usually three particular drums used. Within the ceremony, their are generally three drum used. The Manman, which is the largest of the three, it is about three feet tall, and is beating standing up using a small wooden hammer in one hand and the other bare hand. The Segond drum, which is about two feet tall, is played by a seated drummer holding the drum between the legs. The drum is beaten using both hands. The smallest drum is named bula. It is beaten using two very long thin sticks. Dancing is performed by the Houngan and Hounsis. The Houngan focuses the dance around the spirit pole. It is through the dancing of the Houngan that intensity builds up resulting in the Hounsis becoming possessed by a loa. The Houngan also uses the aid of an Asson. An Asson is sacred rattle constructed out of a gourd that is decorated with coral and snake bones. The Houngan will also create a Veve, which is a sand painting. The Veve is constructed on the floor of the Hounfor and is created around the spirit pole. The Veve is made out of flour or cornmeal and is dedicated to the Loa in which the ceremony is being acted out. A Voodoo ceremony may include an animal sacrifice. The Houngan may sacrifice a goat, sheep, pig, or chicken to satisfy the hunger of their Loa. The throat of the an imal is slit, and the blood is collected in a special ceremonial cup, the Hounsis, or person possess, will then drink the blood. This is believed to satisfy the hunger of the Loa. (Vodun (Voodoo))Haiti still remains the dominant country in which Voodoo is practiced in. Voodoo was able to bring together many people in a time of sorrow and persecution. Throughout the years, many people have suffered for their beliefs in the Voodoo religion. Voodoo still stands strong in many cultures and is a dominant force in many peoples lives. Voodoo encompasses the whole family and embraces the influence of ancestors in ones individual life. Voodoo is not only a religion, but a way of life. The use of extravagant and clairvoyant formal ceremonies is used in many non-traditional religions to manifest the realm of the spiritual world, right here the natural. As seen, Voodoo has its own distinct ways of communicating with the spiritual realm. Many other religions also use spiritual items or objects o f nature, as means of transcending into the spiritual realm; which brings us to the next topic of spiritualism. The Prevalent Issues of Surrogate Parenting EssayOut of the millions of people who fall victim to the persuasion of the cult way of life, very few escape this lifestyle. Those who do are exposed with long tern psychological effects, creating many problems for the individual, as they try to readjust to normal every day life. Frequently, cult survivors initially suffer from depression. The fact of no longer belonging to an elite group, or not having a sense of purpose within themselves, causes the individuals to fall into massive depressive states. Those who have been involved in the cult for quite sometime will also suffer from loneliness, as they have left their former source of family and friendship. Indecisiveness is also a major symptom; normal decisions become very complicated for this individual because everything had been previously decided for them (what to wear, what to eat, etc.). And fear of their former cult reigns inside them. At the very thought of betrayal and the coe rced effects if it, leaves the individual with an underlying sense of fear and insecurity. Surviving members are highly recommended to get some sort of psychological counseling immediately after exiting the cult. Those who do receive counseling have a quicker and a greater success in merging back into society as productive individuals. Non-traditional religions thrive on the limiting involvement of the government concerning religion. Many of these religions have highly unorthodox practices in which followers faithfully participate it. In any other circumstances excluding religion, many of these practices would be deemed abnormal or deviant behavior. Legally very little can be done about the un-ethical practices found in these non-traditional religions. As a society we have to be very careful and aware at all times, recognizing the pressures that religion can force upon an individual. We also have to be conscious, and the face the fact that we are very vulnerable; each one of us can easily fall into the sway of lifestyles of these non-traditional religions, against our own will. BibliographyA.F.F. (The American Family Foundation), (1999)Billingsly, Lloyd., Religions Rebel Son, Multomah Press. Portland, OR. (1986)Belgum, E., Voodoo, Greenhaven Press. San Diego, CA. (1994)Hassan, Steven. Freedom Of The Mind,, G.A. ; L.A. Nichols, Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult, Zondervan. Grand Rapids, MI. (1993)McDowell, Josh and Bill Wilson, A Ready Defense. Heres Life Publishers. San Berdino, CA. (1990)Origins Of Voodoo, (June 8, 2000)Origins Of Voodoo (Voodoo Secrets), carice/origins.htmlSpiritualism. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000 http:// Encarta. (2000)Vodun.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Textual Analysis-Apocalypse Now Redux Essay Example

Textual Analysis-Apocalypse Now Redux Paper Textual Analysis-Apocalypse Now Redux Apocalypse Now Redux follows the journey of Captain Willard as he attempts to bring back rogue agent Kurtz. Willard is a deeply troubled soldier in the Vietnamese war and is then assigned the mission of retrieving the newly rogue agent Kurtz. Willard puts together a team and is then on his way, he then ends up having most of his team killed and is then captured by a soldier that is under the authority of Kurtz. Willard is then taken to Kurtz’ HQ and then manages to escape and then kill Kurtz and return home. For my textual analysis of Apocalypse I will be the opening scene of the film where we are introduced to the main character, Willard. We start of by being shown a vast amount of trees, a helicopter goes past and then a great amount of explosives are detonated. We then see the characters face in a room lying down on a bed; we are also shown his bed side desk which has alcohol and drugs on it. We then realise that he was either dreaming or reminiscing as he sits up and looks outside the window to see a helicopter outside. He then says that he is still in Saigon. Codes/conventions Explosions-the bombs that were dropped during the opening sequence causing the vast numbers of explosions * Guns-the gun under the pillow of the character * Army uniform-the gear that the character in the opening sequence * Violence-guns ensure violence/protection * An understanding of why the specific war is happening-the character states the location of his whereabouts as Saigon which is in Vietnam so we ins tantly create meaning and analyze that this is the war in Vietnam dated between 1955-1975 * Different ranks in officers-general, sergeant major etc. Bombs-helicopter that drops bombs causing the explosions in the opening sequence * Evidence of an officer of wars life outside of war-the picture of a woman, the drugs and alcoholic substances on the table Audience The audiences of war films like this film are mostly people that enjoy violence or have a cultural interest in war films and their nature. War films are also viewed by ex-army officers themselves as they can relate to the cruel nature of war and also the fight for their country/human rights. We will write a custom essay sample on Textual Analysis-Apocalypse Now Redux specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Textual Analysis-Apocalypse Now Redux specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Textual Analysis-Apocalypse Now Redux specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The audience is usually able to cope with the violent nature of the films like for example the film ‘Saving Private Ryan’ with its explicit and graphic opening beach scene where the audience is exposed to limbs being blown off and peoples guts etc being thrown about the place as well as the officer’s torso and body in general. Roles Within the confides of a big Hollywood film such as Apocalypse Now there are many roles that are required for such a large expensive film. One of the roles that are required for such a film as this would be the role of folly sounds for added sounds that can’t really be captured by a camera such as the introductory song during the opening scene, folly sounds are sounds that are added in after the editing of the film has been complete and some voices/other sounds that are not heard so are recorded separately and added in. what would a film be without the role of a camera man or camera men if the director wishes to have multiple shots of one shot that can only be recorded once such as the pyrotechnics at the start of the film. The camera man ensures that what the director wishes to be within the shot is in the shot unless they feel that they can follow the guidelines set down by the director and produce something similar/better in their eyes. The director of the film communicates with the cast and set team to create his film, the director usually has good communication and organizational skills to ensure that his film will be as he anticipates it and is hopefully able to meet the deadline set by the company funding the film. With all of the footage that is captured for the film only a small fraction of all of it is actually used, the editor’s job is to sit there with the director and edit the film accordingly to his demands to produce a final, edited to perfection film. What would a film be without a cast of actors? The actors are picked out by a casting agent who would get in touch with the actor’s personal talent agent and arrange an audition; it is the casting agent’s job to get the most appropriate cast for the film. The actor’s job is to act out each individual scene according to instructions set out by the director themselves. The mise-en-scene of a film is everything. The mise-en-scene covers the makeup, lighting and special effects. One of the roles required within the mise-en-scene of a war film like apocalypse now is the pyrotechnics to create the true sense of war and battle. The pyrotechnic is in charge of such things as the vast amount of explosives within the film, they also have o ensure the safety of the talent whilst the explosives are detonated. The mise-en-scene would not be complete without the proper use of costume. The costume designer will sit with the director and give him some initial ideas and then will work on ideas that the director likes until the costume design is perfect, they will then begin working on creating the costume for the actors unique build. Analysis The explosions that are detonated by the passing helicopters are shown in a slower speed than the natur al filming of the explosions. If we are to analyze why it is that the director wanted this to be shown in a slower speed then we would most likely come to the conclusion that he did so in order to make the explosions seem more effective. When someone gets shot in a film then it is usually shown in slow motion to give a more deep effect. When the first bomb explodes it is perfectly timed with the starting of the vocals. The lyrics ‘this is the end’ are very lyrically appropriate as the mise-en-scene could be considered as a intertextual reference to war in general as wars are usually ended with one large explosion for example Hiroshima. When the fire clip is being overlaid over the top of the clip of Willard laying upside down can be read as the memories of the bombings that we just saw literally burned into his memory. War events such as Vietnam are memories that will burn into people’s mind whether it’s the screams of pain from the opposition of the mangled bodies of your fellow officers. As we are shown the belongings of Willard that are on his desk we are then able to create a personality and build a foundation of our understanding of the character and his background. We are shown; alcoholic substances, cigarettes and even a drug looking substance which implies that he is either suffering from depression and/or an addiction to the certain substances. We are then shown a gun that he keeps underneath his pillow which can suggest that Willard is a person that constantly feels insecure. The gun also promotes the genre of the film which is war; the gun promotes it because people usually associate violence with guns and war in general so through enculturation the audience know that the film is of the war film genre. Another good use of layering clips over the top of each other during this opening sequence would be the sequence when we have Millard’s face upside down on the left half of the screen and on the right half of the screen there is a cultural stone face which is the right way up in comparison to the way that Millard is portrayed. This signifies the binary opposition within the confides of the war that Millard is fighting. The cultural stone face signifies the culture of the Vietnamese people and the face of Millard opposing it signifies the troops opposing the Vietnamese. The significance of the fan being the visual accompanied by the sound of a helicopter’s blades rotating would be the idea that his dream/memory and reality are blending with each other to make his dream/memory seem more real giving the audience the effect that we are Millard and we are able to then experience what he is seeing/hearing/experiencing in general which personally is a great effect to give off to the audience. When the camera tilts down as a POV of Millard sitting up it signifies to us the audience not only that he is sitting up and enquiring what the helicopter sound is but it is also signifying that Millard is now awake/out of his flashback and is back to reality. By showing the POV of Millard it enables the audience to connect with the character himself after just seeing his dream/memory and the belongings on his desk suggesting his character to the audience. The first thing that the character says is about the place where he is which is Saigon, located in Vietnam. By stating a place in Vietnam the audience can then create a sense of meaning and come to the conclusion that this war film is set in the Vietnam War and therefore introducing the location of the film.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Job Spotlight Clinical Nurse

Job Spotlight Clinical Nurse in keeping with our recent examination of specialized health careers, this week we’re looking at clinical nurses, who specialize in coordinating patient care and monitoring protocols and standards in clinical settings. what do clinical nurses do?according to o*net online, these are the main job responsibilities of a clinical nurse:collecting medical information from patients, family members, or other medical professionalsdiagnosing medical conditionsprescribing medicationsexamining patients to assess general physical conditionpreparing reports summarizing patient diagnostic or care activitiescollaborating with health care professionals to ensure optimal patient careproviding consultation in areas such as patient discharge, patient care, or clinical proceduresdeveloping and maintaining departmental policies, procedures, objectives, or patient care standards based on evidence-based practice guidelines or expert opinionevaluating the quality and effectiveness of nursing practice or organizational systemsdeveloping, implementing, or evaluating standards of nursing practice in specialty areas such as pediatrics, acute care, and geriatricsdirecting or supervising nursing care staffdesigning patient education programsproviding care to inpatients and outpatients within a designated specialty such as obstetrics, neurology, oncology, or neonatal careobserving, interviewing, and assessing patients to identify care needsessentially, it’s a dynamic role that involves collaborating with other practitioners, training nurses and evaluating staff performance, and educating patients on treatment options and procedures related to their care.what training will you need?most clinical nurses have a bachelor’s or associate’s degree; and the vast majority are registered nurses, or have degrees in nursing administration, nursing science, family practice nursing, or another specialty.hiring landscapemedian salarywho’s hiring?as of this post, there are almost 2,500 direct employers for clinical nurses. the top employers include:carolinas healthcare system (517 jobs)community health systems inc (305 jobs)consulate health care  (288 jobs)tandem health care of cheswick (259 jobs)baycare (254 jobs)providence health services (226 jobs)unitedhealth group (212 jobs)wakemed (209 jobs)indian health service (207 jobs)hca: the healthcare company (193 jobs)sample job postingcardiac/telemetry unit – clinical nurse specialist/clinical nurse leader/aprnfull time position available, primarily days, 8-hour shifts, evenings, some weekends and holidays as required.responsibilitiesexciting opportunity for motivated clinical nurse specialist to work across the spectrum of clinical services in caring for cardiac/telemetry patients to provide educational resource and leadership support. must have a strong clinical base as well as an interest/background in customer service, quality assurance, care management, orientation, and continuing educati on. main areas of focus will be working at the bedside with staff with focus on orientation, in-services, competency development and documentation.excellent interpersonal and communication skills a must. 3-5 years experience preferred, ms degree required.qualificationsrequires a master’s degree in nursing or related field and an active new york state license in good standing. applicants will have 5 years experience as an rn with one to three years of leadership experience; or equivalent combination of education and experience. the clinical nurse specialist influences the quality and delivery of care in various roles including consultant, researcher, mentor, and practitioner. this role may be unit, program, or service based and is involved in continuous quality improvement initiatives.apply here:  hot clinical nursing jobs

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Strong Sample Supplemental Essay for College Applications

A Strong Sample Supplemental Essay for College Applications Most college applicants fail to put adequate time into a supplemental college essay. The Common Applications personal essay allows a student to write a single essay for multiple colleges. The supplemental college essay, however, needs to be different for every application. Thus, its tempting to dash off a generic and vague piece that can be used at multiple schools, resulting in a  weak essay. Dont make this mistake. The sample supplemental college essay below was written for Oberlin. The essay prompt reads, Given your interests, values, and goals, explain why Oberlin College will help you grow (as a student and a person) during your undergraduate years. The question asked here is typical of many supplemental essays. Essentially, the admissions folks want to know why their school is of particular interest to you. Sample Supplemental Essay I visited 18 colleges over the past year, yet Oberlin is the one place that most spoke to my interests. Early in my college search I learned that I prefer a liberal arts college to a larger university. The collaboration between the faculty and undergraduate students, the sense of community, and the flexible, interdisciplinary nature of the curriculum are all important to me. Also, my high school experience was greatly enriched by the diversity of the student body, and I am impressed by Oberlin’s rich history and its current efforts connected to inclusiveness and equality. To say the least, I’d be proud to say I attended the first coeducational college in the country. I plan to major in Environmental Studies at Oberlin. After my campus tour, I took some extra time to visit the Adam Joseph Lewis Center. It’s an amazing space and the students I chatted with spoke highly of their professors. I became truly interested in issues of sustainability during my volunteer work in the Hudson River Valley, and everything I’ve learned about Oberlin makes it seem the ideal place for me to continue exploring and building upon those interests. I am also impressed by Oberlin’s Creativity and Leadership Project. I’ve been a bit of an entrepreneur ever since second grade when I made a dollar producing and performing The Runaway Bunny for my extended family. I’m drawn to a program that supports the move from classroom learning to creative hands-on, real-world applications. Finally, as the rest of my application clearly demonstrates, music is an important part of my life. I’ve been playing the trumpet since fourth grade, and I hope to continue performing and developing my skills throughout college. What better place than Oberlin to do so? With more performances than days in the year and a large group of talented musicians in the Conservatory of Music, Oberlin is an ideal place for exploring my love of both music and the environment. A Critique of the Supplemental Essay To understand the strength of the essay, we must first look at the prompt: the admissions officers at Oberlin want you to explain why Oberlin College will help you grow. This sounds straightforward, but be careful. Youre not being asked to explain how  college  will help you grow, but how  Oberlin  will help you grow. The essay needs to include specific information about  Oberlin College. The sample essay certainly succeeds on this front. Lets look at why. The first paragraph makes several important points. First of all, we learn that the applicant has visited Oberlin. This may not seem like a big deal, but youd be surprised how many students apply to a large number of colleges based on nothing but the schools reputations. Also, the student notes that she wants to go to a  liberal arts college, not a larger  university. This information isnt really specific to Oberlin, but it does show that she has thought about the options available to her. The final point in this first paragraph gets more specific- the applicant is familiar with Oberlin and knows the schools socially progressive history.The second paragraph is really the heart of this essay- the applicant wants to major in Environmental Studies, and she is clearly impressed with the program at Oberlin. She has visited the Environmental Studies building, and she knows of some of the unique opportunities offered at Oberlin. She has even talked with Oberlin students. This paragraph cant help but make a favorable impression on the admissions folks- the applicant is drawn to Oberlin and she clearly knows exactly  why  she likes Oberlin. The final paragraph adds another important dimension to the application. Not only does the student find the Environmental Studies program attractive, but her love of music makes Oberlin an even better match. Oberlin has a top-rated music program, so the applicants dual love of music and Environmental Studies makes Oberlin a natural match for her. Admissions officers cant help but feel that Oberlin is a great match for this applicant. She knows the school well, and her interests and goals line up perfectly with Oberlins strengths. This short essay will certainly be a positive piece of her application. As you write your own supplemental essays, be sure to avoid  common supplemental essay mistakes and make your essay specific to the university to give it more  strength.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Rastafari Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Rastafari - Research Paper Example In this regard, therefore, this research paper seeks to shed some light regarding this group of individuals. Introduction Who are the ‘Rastafari’? Are they some dreadlocked ‘ganja’ smokers to be feared and labelled as criminals? Or are they individuals who sing and dance to the reggae tunes? Based on a letter written to the editor and which featured in Caribbean newspapers in 1982, the author claimed that the ultimate ambition for the ‘Dread’, as they were popularly referred to, is to rip a man’s heart out and feed on his genitals. In Hollywood movies such as ‘Marked for Death’ and television programs, which includes ‘60 minutes’ Rastafarians have been depicted as combative dreadlocked gangsters characterized by red eyes from the smoke of Marijuana. Essentially, an image that one can get from popular opinion is that Rastas are dirty, low-life and drug dealers. They were dreaded in some places, for instance Domini ca that they could be shot at first sight. Some of messages conveyed in their music clearly portray the loath that the society they lived in exhibited against them. For example, Bob Marley, the accredited father of reggae music, sings out that ‘he shot the sheriff for self-defense.’ Similarly, in his hit song ‘Redemption song’, he expresses his agitation in the manner that the prophets of Haile Selassie are murdered by the bullet of the gun. Nonetheless, an encounter and research on these individuals gives a totally different picture about them as discussed in the subsequent sections. Rastafarian first came into being in the 1930 in Jamaica and it’s perceived to represent some spiritual ideology. However, a significant proportion of its adherents argue that it is more of â€Å"a way of life† rather than a religion. The adherents hold Haile Selassie I, an emperor of Ethiopia who reigned between 1930 and 1974, as God the Father while others as J esus. Those who subscribe to the teachings of Emperor Haile Selassie are referred to as Rastafari or simply Rastas. As such, Rastafarianism thus describes their way of life although some Rastas consider it as derogatory. This could be explained by their dislike and bias against â€Å"isms†, which is generally a part of typical Babylonian culture. The name Rastafari is believed to have been formed by a combination of two words, Ras and Tafari. Ras is s title given to a â€Å"head† or rather â€Å"leader†. This according to the translation of ras from Amharic, a local dialect group based in Ethiopia. On the other hand, Tafari is the first name of Tafari Makonnen, who is the famously known as Haile Sellasie I. The adoption of the new name followed his coronation. However, there is some discrepancy from Murell who argues out that Ras means Christ; while Rastafari refers to Haile Selassie, the founder of the movement (Murrell 4). Rastafarians claim that Haile Selassi e is their Christ who died physically, but lives in their souls. The believers argue that Christ shall come back to save them from the world, and he shall take them to Ethiopia. The followers argue that Ethiopia is the land that Christ promised them, and they refer to it as Mount Zion. Doctrines Hardly will one interact with a Rastafarian without getting to hear the mention of the term â€Å"Jah†, which, as is mostly the case, a precursor to the utterance of Rastafari. Generally,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wireless communications networks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wireless communications networks - Essay Example In formal settings, the explosive growth of wireless networks arrived along with the proliferation of laptops and tablets, which proposes a promising future for wireless communication networks. The following paper discusses the use of wireless communications networks in formal settings such as offices. First, wireless communications networks are economic to install in offices today (Zhu and Li, 2013). Advanced wireless communication networks have undergone numerous changes because of investments in research, competition, and recurred obsolescence. Unlike wired communications, wireless communications networks only need transmission, serving, and routing ports and stations. Wired networks need costly wires, labor for installing these cables through tight channels, buying identical socket faceplates, buying gear and physical solutions for cable maintenance or troubleshooting. With wired communications, offices have cable clutter connecting servers and desktops from cubical to cubical or from maintenance rooms to the roof of the building. Clutter can be dangerous for employees within a formal setting because it can trip a person or wear away and shock a user touching it with naked hands. Secondly, wireless communications are safe. Wired communications networks that employ incredible 1,024-bit encodes will require an entire human generation to recover data that was destroyed. On the other hand, wireless communications employ 802.11x networking, which is a sufficient solution for an ordinary formal setting (Zhu and Li, 2013). Such networking rates today can replace wired communications networks in offices. As wireless communications continue to advance in terms of speed and coverage, wired communications networks will become obsolete soon. The function and architecture of wireless technologies involved in wireless communications determines the most suitable formal setting. For instance, an

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Love and Memory in Deuteronomy Essay Example for Free

Love and Memory in Deuteronomy Essay Love and Memory in Deuteronomy, is the prompt for this weeks reflection paper. First, we must identify what each of those terms means to us in context to Deuteronomy and for me Love does not just mean love in the sense that we all know. Although you could easily write a reflection amount the many ways God displayed his love to his people, like when he parted the seas for them and crushed the Egyptians behind them, or when he was slow to anger when they chose to worship Baal while Moses was a top Mt. Sinai, but I choose to interpret love in Deuteronomy as Gods continued faithfullness to his people. Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations. (Deuteronomy 7:9, English Standard Version) Here God is described as a faithful God, and one who will always love those that love him, and follow his word. This is such a powerful verse and really speaks to the faithfullness of God to his people, here it shows that God is obligated to us, that he must love those that love him. I think it also shows that he is bound to look out for us because he is our faithful creator, and that as the creator he is obligated to look out for us, to satisfy us, and provide for us, and ultimately look out for us enough so that we may seek him out and follow him with out Faith. That creation of the Covenant is the ultimate example of Gods faithfullness to us as it takes out all mystery and makes things most certain for us, and shows his commitment to us as a people, because of the covenant we know all the cornerstones of His divine government. The many I wills in Deuteronomy cover everything that we as a people might need in both the past, present, and future. There is no avenue of life that we can venture to where we can not find God, and he has given us clear definition of His heart and intentions by his word and covenant. Gods love in Deuteronomy can best be described as his faithfullness to us, and as mentioned prior, there is no greater example of this than his Covenant, and new Covenant with us through Jesus Christ. And you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. (Deuteronomy 8:2, English Standard Version) Memory plays a huge role in Deuteronomy as God is very clear in this verse, that the people are to remember, that all they have been through was a way for God to see what was in their heart, to see what kind of people they were. Memories, in general, throughout time are always a great way to see someones true heart. There were times the people worshipped false idols or cried out against the Lord, and in those moments peoples true natures were revealed, the memories of those times are a great reminder of where people stood, and as it says in that verse that is what it was all about, was for God to measure their true hearts. This principle is still the same today, we are often judged by our past deeds, and it is not because we do not believe people can not change or that people do not deserve new chances, but often times we are what we do, and again the memories of our past actions are a great way to measure who we are as people.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Emily Grierson? Need for Control in William Faulkners A Rose for Emil

Emily Grierson's Need for Control in A Rose For Emily In William Faulkner's "A Rose For Emily," Emily Grierson is a woman who is   used to being controlled by her father.   When her father dies, she believes that she has control over him.   Forced to lay her father to rest, Emily turns to her father's equivalent:   Homer Barron.   Emily soon finds that Homer does not plan on staying, so she decides to kill him.   By killing Homer, Emily believes that she can keep him and control him forever.   Emily Grierson wants to be in control but feels that she cannot tame the domineering men in her life, at least, not while they are alive, so she gains control of them after their demise.  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One can clearly imagine the timid Emily standing behind her towering father.   "Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip."   Emily's father not only dominates the portrait but dominates Emily as well.   Emily's father controls her every move.   She cannot date anyone unless her father approves, yet he never approves of any of the few men that do show interest in her.   "None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such."   Unable to find a good enough suitor, Emily has no choice but to stay and care for her governing father.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When her Father dies, Emily cannot bury him because she feels like she has finally tamed him.   Emily's father can no longer controll her.   With his demise, Emily is now in control of her life, and in control of her father.   The day after Emily's father died, the local women pay a visit to Emily.   "Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of grief on her fac... ... to keep him with her forever.   "And that was the last we saw of Homer Barron."   No one saw Homer alive again.  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Clearly, Emily was tired of men controlling her, and although she could not control them while they were alive, she did have complete control over them when they died.   Thirty years after Homer's disappearance and after Emily's demise, the villagers made a gruesome discovery;   they found the remains of Homer, proving that Emily found a way to keep him and control him.   "For a long while we just stood there, looking down at the profound and fleshless grin."   Indeed, Emily kept her lover and controlled her lover for thirty years.   Works Cited Faulkner, William. "A Rose for Emily." The Norton Introduction to Literature. By Carl E. Bain, Jerome Beaty, and J. Paul Hunter. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1991: 69-76.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Freedom Writers Essay

In Long Beach, California, a war is raging. You can’t always see it, but its soldiers know it’s there. You need to go and watch â€Å"Freedom Writers† right this instant. In this heartwarming movie, Hillary Swank plays quirky school teacher Erin Gruwell who, alongside her unsupportive husband (played by Patrick Dempsey) attempts to make history with her class of integration students, played by April Lee Hernandez, Jaclyn Ngan, Armand Jones and many more. The movie plays for 122 minutes of pure joy and raw emotion, where we get to see wonderful changes in the most unlikely people. The film was directed by Richard LaGravanese and released by Paramount Pictures on January 5th, 2007. â€Å"The Freedom Writers† is an emotional drama, filled to the brim with suspense and hope that will leave its viewers in a state of mixed emotion. In the movie, there is a war being fought in Long Beach between the Blacks, Latinas and Asians and it seems irresolvable. On Erin Gruwell’s first day teaching at Wilson High, words are being spat out and fights are erupting, she sees that the students do truly hate each other. She then makes it her mission to teach the students of room 203 about respect, about dignity, and what it will really mean when you fight for â€Å"your own† or die trying. Through Snoop Dog and Tupac, the peppy teacher somehow gets through to her students and learns that each and every one of them has been somehow affected by gangs and gang violence. Throughout freshman and sophomore year, the students of Erin’s English class find themselves respecting her, and respecting each other, which shocks them all. They are taught to write in a diary, which showed them that it doesn’t matter what is read, but what has been written. The school seems to have finally found peace within itself and room 203, but disaster strikes when we find out that Erin is not allowed to teach junior and senior years, and that her students must go on without her. Does this mean that gangs will reconnect? Shootings, will they start back up again? Can the balance of peace really be kept one, very strange, second year teacher? The climax of this film touches the heart and minds of the viewers, and makes the long rising action worth every minute. â€Å"Freedom Writers† takes place in Long Beach, California and is set in 1994-1996. It travels through the treacherous homes of the students, and shows the viewer what it’s really like to live a day like them. The setting sets a dim mood and shows the viewer how poor the kids truly are. It makes the viewer think about how hard life can be, while the plot shows us the harsh truth. The special effects in the film add an edge to what would have otherwise been a very slow film. Sound effects were few and far between, but added an edge where they were placed. A more plentiful effect would be voiceovers, where the students read excerpts from â€Å"The Diary of Anne Frank† and their own personal diaries. It showed the viewer that they were getting a voice, and that they were no longer afraid to speak up. The costumes and lighting reflected the variation of cultures and gangs in Wilson, and enhanced the overall mood of the story. Special effects and elements were very strategically placed in â€Å"Freedom Writers†, they were not sparse enough for the viewer to lost interest, but they were also not overused to enhance a certain concept. In â€Å"Freedom Writers†, there were many actors that played very important parts in making the film so touching and sad. The main character was Erin Gruwell, played by Hillary Swank who does a wonderful job catching the essence of a believer. Swank puts forth a believable performance, where the viewer really thinks that she is feeling some kind of a connection to her students. With great facial expression and the ability to look as if she is holding back fake tears, Hillary Swank makes the viewers feel as if they too can experience such real, hard emotion. Another character that played a key role in the film was named Jamal Hill; who was played by Deance Wyatt. Jamal was a student of room 203, and to the untrained eye, he comes off as your stereotypical gangster who could care less about school and everybody else around him. However, when a racial caricature of Jamal with very large lips circulated through the class, he begins to cry and we see that gangs have almost ruined his life. Later on in the movie, Deance Wyatt reads from his characters diary with such passion and power, saying: â€Å"At sixteen, I’ve seen more bodies than a mortician. Every time I step out my door I face the risk of being shot. To the rest of the world it’s just another dead body on a street corner. They don’t know that he was my friend† The way that Wyatt read these words made them so true, so passionate and it makes the viewer feel that there is a little bit of Jamal in all everybody. These two actors made the movie feel so real and so true; they did an excellent job portraying the true meaning of what it’s like to be a Freedom Writer. The film â€Å"Freedom Writers† has so many different meanings, so many different themes that their interpretations are up to the viewers. Social issues were touched upon making the story extremely controversial and yet somehow important for all teenagers to see. It touches mainly on racial discrimination and how at that school, African-American, Mexican and Asian students in gangs do not get a voice. As Mrs. Gruwell develops relationships with each and every one of her students, she learns that all they truly want is for somebody to hear them, for somebody to remember them if they die. By giving the students their diaries, Erin attempts to get them in touch with who they truly are, and what they do with such a quiet voice shocks her. The movie shows viewers that together, they can move mountains. The viewer will explore touching diary entries, teaching them that everything that is said will make a difference to somebody. It doesn’t matter what is spoken, or what is written, what matters will always be the moments when somebody hears the author. Hears them not by reading what is written, but by understanding that everybody has a story to tell and everybody’s story is important. The viewer will grasp a new found respect for everybody that they meet because, as learned though the movie, everybody has a voice, they just need to learn how to use it. â€Å"Freedom Writers† was a wonderful film and an even better experience for its viewers. It touched upon so many different social issues so that there is something for everybody to relate to making it such a great movie to watch with others. There are so many different interpretations to be made, so this film is recommended for teenagers aged 13-18, because that is the age of the characters along their journey. This was an amazing movie, and everybody that watches it should agree. There is not one possible way that any viewer will not find a character that reminds them of themselves and what they’ve been through, even at a less intense level. Freedom Writers† compares to â€Å"Pay It Forward† and this is because it explores the concept of respecting each other and respecting oneself. The idea of a few people being able to change the world is also explored and well conveyed in each film, making them incredibly relatable and inspirational. The film was touching, and impressively well made. The actors were phenomenal, the effects were catchy and there were many other elements that the viewer will discover on their own. â€Å"Freedom Writers† is recommended to anybody that wants to learn a little bit more about respect, dignity, love and the harsh, cruel world around us.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Internet safety securityn privacy Essay

Introduction Microsoft has established partnership with American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in order to ensure online safety of children. This program provides guidelines for family safety and to protect children from developing psychological disturbances on social issues. AAP has a vast number of pediatricians in U. S. and it has second place as largest physician organization in the world which is promoting health and welfare to all children. Microsoft company which is a giant in computer software predicts that future generation of children required to possess extensive knowledge about Internet whereas, it should be lead by limitations of dos and don’ts on Internet browsing, which if not guided results in adverse impact both for parents and children. In this effort, AAP records a total of 96 million of school-age children per year and apart from promoting health care, AAP would also provide Internet safety measures for children. â€Å"We are pleased to see that the AAP and its members are striving to make Internet safety education a part of routine clinical care for children,† (Adrienne Hall, Senior Director of Trustworthy Computing at Microsoft) Microsoft has several guidelines for each age group. Viz. , using family contracts, 10 things to teach kids, computer security tips for students, steps to improve family’web security, minimizing risk from online predators, a bank of tips and tools to help parents and a video to teach kids how to be safe online. In fact there are many points that have to be noticed by children before entering online surfing. First and foremost, parents must be present while children are online and secondly, identify the purpose of surfing such as whether it is for the purpose of education, online games, chatting, shopping or for any other purpose. Thirdly, encourage children to enter through search engines, explaining the importance of finding good sources of information for education purposes, or directly by having an accurate web site address / URL . This enables children to click on a particular link that is required for further information. For instance, children above the age of 6yrs usually are quick to learn about online skills and enjoy playing online games. In such case, parents must take initiative to find a web site which contains free online games which are both educative and entertaining viz. , math games, puzzle games, doll games and many other sport games. Parents must explain that by typing â€Å"online games† in google search engine a plethora of games websites are displayed which are good and entertaining for children. Children are very smart than parents, with the fact that anything explained once is remembered and from the very next minute, children pick up so fast in learning concepts. Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to teach online safety measures to children for the health and benefit of children. Step by step guidance is what is required for children instead of blackboard teaching. Teaching through videos, online training are some of the best methods to teach children how important it is to tread safely on Internet. There must be a friendly and warm atmosphere at the time of parents participation with children while teaching internet skills. Many a times, children do not agree or parents disagree with the online surfing. In such instance, rules must be framed as a formal contract that would be signed by both parents and children. In this manner, children would be compelled to listen to what parents teach about online skills. Apart from this open discussion, also brings good results with the fact that, when parents ask questions about Internet surfing, children get encouraged and begin to provide a great amount of information which enables parents to realize whether children are entering any unacceptable web areas or zones. There are quite a danger zones that harm children to the developing personality especially, information on weapons, forbidden web sites for children age and above all harmful images that trigger the emotions of innocent kids. Even chatting rooms have to be checked by parents, with the fact that at times, net friends provide false age and false information whereby children begin to build friendship with the above age group and ultimately fall prey as a victim to the net criminals/hackers. Children are even motivated to disappear from parents and especially in western world, parents suffered a great loss for not being aware of Internet in the primary stage of its launch. With some of these negative effects, Microsoft has even designed a code of conduct that must be signed between parents and children which is reproduced as below: â€Å"Online code-of-Conduct Contract. I will: Talk with my parents to learn the rules for using the Internet, including where I can go, what I can do, when I can go online, and how long I can be online ( ___ minutes or ___ hours). Never give out personal information such as my home address, telephone number, my parents’ work address or telephone number, credit card numbers, or the name and location of my school without my parents’ permission. Always tell my parents immediately if I see or receive anything on the Internet that makes me feel uncomfortable or threatened, including e-mail messages, Web sites, or even anything in the regular mail from Internet friends. Never agree to meet anyone in person that I have met online, without my parent’s permission. Never send pictures of myself or other family members to other people through the Internet or regular mail without first checking with my parents. Never give out my Internet passwords to anyone (even my best friends) other than my parents. Not do anything online that could hurt or anger other people or that is against the law. Never download, install, or copy anything from disks or the Internet without proper permission. Never do anything on the Internet that costs money without first asking permission from my parents. Let my parents know my Internet logon and chat names, listed below: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Name (child) _______________________ Date ____________ Parent or guardian _______________________ Date ____________ Several hours of browsing may also be harmful to the sensitive eyes of children which is why there should be a protective screen on computer monitor, otherwise there is every possibility of backache, development of eyesight, and even dark circles around eyes. It is important to take note here that children should be instructed to blink eyes every second and staring at web sites while playing games or visiting web sites without blinking eyes, causes lot of eye sight problems. Conclusion Internet is truly benefiting to children wherein children are educated at a fast pace as never before through blackboard teaching whereas measures of care would yield good results. Reference Protect your family : Beyond the basics, Prevention guidelines Accessed January 28, 2008 http://www. microsoft. com/protect/family/guidelines/default. mspx.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tartuffe Essays - Tartuffe, Damis, Le Tartuffe, Orgon, Tartuffe

Tartuffe Essays - Tartuffe, Damis, Le Tartuffe, Orgon, Tartuffe Tartuffe by Moli?re I was in the audience at the proformance of Tartuffe the first night it played at Prairie High School. I really liked Tartuffe, i felt that the play was pretty funny, and i liked how it started off by letting the audience know Tartuffe is a fraud. I thought it was a very good production. In Tartuffe we get pretty much a personal view into Orgons?s home, all of the play takes place here. In Act I, scene 4, Tartuffe, coming into church everyday and drawing attention with his loud prayer. In church Orgon would offer him gifts and he would say they were twice too much and immediately give some to the poor, again this kind of thing makes the audience realize that Tartuffe is a fraud and that he has Madame Pernelle and Orgon convinced that he is perfect. Sooner or later Orgon invites Tartuffe to live in his home. Tartuffe immediality takes everything over. He convinces Orgon to turn the house over to him along with some important papers. Orgon is totally in the dark on whats going on and everytime a member of his family tries to talk to him about it he gets all mad and the have a fight. Tartuffe?s whole reason for being in the home is that he is trying to suduce Orgons young wife. Everyone in his family knows what?s going on and they set tartuffe up to take a fall. It works and Orgon throws Tartuffe out of the house, But what we all forgot is that Orgon had signed everything over to Tartuffe and Tartuffe has Orgon and his family evicted from the home. Luckily, the good king sees through Tartuffe and has him arrested. This play is set in Orgons home. The technical elements of this play are used to set a mood for the play. Like when Tartuffe starts to take over Orgons home, Tartuffes assisstant begins to change the rugs and drapes to the color green, {Tartuffes main color}, and then when Tartuffe starts to lose his control on Orgon, the maid come out and removes the green and replaces it with the regular color. I really wasnt effected by the changing of the colors until i thought back to what happened and realized why it happened. Then it started to make a little better of a picture., of how Tartuffe was taking over then losing control. The lighting of the play was all together good but what i noticed is when Damis is playing a video game in the corner it was a little hard to see and here him because everyone was in front of him and he was in the corner. I liked the costumes used in Tartuffe I liked how Tartuffe and his servant wore green and then Orgon started wearing green, then Orgon went back to his regular clothes, and Tartuffe wore some pimp clothes, that we neet i got how that was working from the start. I dont quite recall many sound effects being used in the show, but before and during intermission there was alot of classical music playing so we got the idea that we were going to see a a play about rich people. The way the playwrite uses Tartuffe in the beginning of the play to make himself look like a hyprocrit, is one of the reasons that i liked the play because i really think that when the audience doesnt like the villian it makes for a way better play. And i think that the whole audience thought that Tartuffe was a moron by the end of the first act. I really had a hard time understanding the play while i was in the audience, because I was under the influence that the play took place in the 14 or 15 hundreds. I didnt find out intil the next day that the play had been moved up in time abit the the 1990?s. I just felt that the old english used in the play didnt quite equal out with the whole 1990?s thing. That was one of the only thing that i didnt like about Tartuffe. I felt that it was trying to make a point, not to trust everyone because looks can be decieving. I think that Tartuffe was really meant for everyone to have a good laugh, there wasnt much else to it. I think that since i already read the script, that is what made me confused about the place in time that the

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Structure Modern Marketing Departments For Success

How to Structure Modern Marketing Departments For Success Could an outdated marketing department structure hold you back from success? It’s certainly possible. This industry moves fast. In order to keep up, you need the right people, with the right skills, doing the right tasks. If silos prevent your team from doing its best work, you could wind up spinning your wheels, without realizing why you’re not moving forward. Unfortunately, many organizations are unprepared to adapt to future changes. Leaders will staff talent skilled in emerging technologies and tactics, while followers with catch up too late (if at all). If your business is going to thrive, both today and in the future, it’s imperative your org chart is built to scale. So, how can you make sure your company is built for the future of marketing? Start planning now to determine: What skills will you need (and who has those skills)? How will you organize your team for maximum efficiency and success? What tools and software do you need to keep everyone in sync? This post will help answer those questions (and more). How to Structure Modern Marketing Departments For Success via @Snag Your Free Marketing Org Chart Template It’s easier to achieve success when you can visualize it. Using this template, you can map out your org chart easily to help you and your company see what a successful team structure should look like. This also helps everyone understand their coworkers’ roles and big-picture value.I'm planning my marketing team structure with this free template from @... And Manage Your Marketing Department With the Team Managment Dashboard in Managing marketing teams effectively requires the right tools. And there's no better choice than with Team Management Dashboard. This nifty new tool helps teams: Coordinate internal resources effectively to ensure the right team members are working on the right things. Balance workloads and resource allocation  so your team can plan ahead without burning out. Plan project timelines and monitor progress  so you can plan your work, work your plan, and measure productivity. See what you can do with it: Why Pay Attention to Team Structure? With so many competing priorities vying for your attention, what makes this so important? The answer is simple: well-organized teams are better positioned to succeed than ones that aren't. But, getting it right isn't easy. What if you have the right people on the wrong team? Or lack the right teams to support the right people? Or the right people can’t communicate because of a communication barrier between teams? ^^^ If any of the above scenarios is true for your organization, you’re shortchanging your success. Fortunately, correcting these issues can have an outsized impact on future success. Not only that, but getting on the track is within your reach. A good team structure can have an outsized impact on future success.What Do Common Marketing Team Structures Look Like? There’s no such thing as an ideal one-size-fits-all team structure. Different models may work better for different organizations and industries. The size of your company overall plays an impact, too. If you’ve spent much time searching for examples to follow, odds are you’ve felt overwhelmed, too. It’s not uncommon to hear advice suggesting you need a dozen roles for one team, and multiple teams spread across your entire marketing department. That might make sense for large enterprises with tons of resources. But, for the majority of companies, that may not be realistic. To simplify things, here are some theoretical examples for companies of different sizes. Small Business Marketing Team Structure: Lean and Scrappy. In a small business, odds are you’re hiring one or two people to tackle marketing. If you’re fortunate, you may have three or more. When available talent is this thin, how do you prioritize what these folks should be doing? Content Creation: Your marketer(s) will need to be able to update website content, write blog posts, and craft catchy copy for social media and email. Graphic Design: At a minimum, a working knowledge of Photoshop (or, failing that, free design apps like Canva) will be necessary. Technical Skills: A basic grasp of SEO is likely essential. A general ability to use a content management system (like WordPress) will be useful, too. Social Media Management: This can easily consume tons of time. (Scheduling tools can help). Project Management: How will you keep everything on track? This is just a handful of the different tasks they might be responsible for. What could this look like when its mapped out? Mid-Level Marketing Team Structure: Building for Growth. At this point, your marketing department may have multiple teams. Enterprise Marketing Team Structure: Specialists With Deep Expertise. Large companies (those with 200+ employees) may have more layers of management, with more specialized teams with deep expertise in specific areas. Here’s a generic example: Take a Look at Example Marketing Org Charts (Courtesy of HubSpot) So far, this post has looked a few general examples. HubSpot did an excellent job breaking down seven common org structures  (along with their respective pros and cons), getting a bit more granular into each one. Functional Org Chart This example is broken down across business functions. One can assume each spoke under Marketing leads down to more sub-teams (content, social, analytics, and so forth). It’s also interesting to note how marketing and sales operate side-by-side (after all, someone has to close deals on the leads marketing generates). Source: How can you construct a functional marketing org chart?Divisional Org Chart In this next example, the company is organized based on product-category departments. Each department could presumably have its own marketing team. This type of structure is common at large enterprises that make lots of different types of products. For example, consider a company like Samsung, which produces everything from phones to refrigerators. Source: How can you construct a marketing team structure based on clear divisions?Market-Based Org Chart This example is similar to the previous one, except teams are split up based on customer-centric divisions instead of product-based ones. Source: How can marketing teams be organized around specific marketing segments?Geographical Org Chart For extremely large enterprises or companies with offices around the world, a geographic org chart like this one may make sense. A company with different geographic-based teams within a country might use something similar as well. Source: Is your marketing org chart based on geography and location?Process-Based Org Chart Next up is a process-based structure, where teams are divided up based on where they fit in the production of a product, from ideation all the way through to customer service. In this example, however, it’s unclear exactly where marketing may fit (though content can certainly support all initiatives shown). Source: How can marketing leaders develop process-based org charts?Matrix Org Chart If this one reminds you of a certain early 2000s movie series, you’re not alone. This example illustrates a different kind of matrix though. It’s similar to some of the examples above, but instead of different divisions having their own marketing teams, the marketing, sales, and service functions all answer to one department head. From there, smaller sub-teams work with each division. It’s a subtle but important distinction. Source: Here's how to plan a matrix-based marketing org structureCircular Org Chart In a circular organizational structure, a marketing services department responds to work requests from other areas. Source: Have you tried using a circular marketing org structure?Team-Based Org Charts Next, let’s look at what individual teams could look like when mapped out. Content Marketing Team You don’t need an enormous team to start content marketing. But, the work requires lots of different tactics and disciplines, and the more help you have, the better. What can this type of team look like at a large organization? Here’s an example from Hubspot, a company that certainly knows how to do content marketing, via Revenify: Source: Social Media Team Seem a little complex? This example from Weber Shandwick takes a more high-level view: Source: Origin offers another way of looking at your social media team, introducing an analyst role: Source: Public Relations Team It’s easy to think of PR as nothing more than media relations (which is a complex discipline unto itself). But, this would be a misnomer. Modern public relations is multi-faceted and spans lots of areas, as this illustration of the PESO model from Spin Sucks illustrates: Source: What does your PR team org chart look like?Following this diagram, several staffers would likely divide up work across paid, earned, shared, and owned media strategies. The diagram below from MMI  breaks down in a bit more detail how a team might be structured: Inbound Marketing Team Now, what about holistic inbound teams that bring paid and organic strategies together under one roof? Here’s how Mojo Media Labs  breaks it down: Planning an inbound marketing team org chart? Read this first.SEO Team Search engine optimization is interesting because it often spans several teams across an organization. BuiltVisible  breaks down four different areas a single SEO team needs to cover: technical SEO, content, outreach and off-site SEO (links), and analytics. Source: How should SEO teams be structured?What makes this intriguing? The technical aspects may require assistance from a development team. Content might be created by a content team or a separate marketing department (although SEO should be aligned with marketing). A PR team or specialist might help with link acquisition and other off-site strategies (even if the terms a link builder and a PR pro use may differ according to their goals). Analysts often measure all aspects of a company’s marketing efforts. So, while this may look like a simple diagram, but there’s more than meets the eye. What’s the Problem With Following Someone Else’s Org Chart? It’s easier to know what to do, when you have a good example to follow. But, when it comes to organizing your marketing department, you have to do what makes the most sense for your company. That may or may not entail following a template down to a T. Collectively, the examples above illustrate one overarching point: there are a lot of different types of companies and organizations out there. Different sizes. Different industries. Different teams spread across different departments. How can one-size-fit-all recommendations work for your business? At best, they may offer either a starting point, or something to compare yourself against. If your current team structure doesn’t work, and it also looks nothing like what’s considered standard, you know where to start diagnosing issues. But, what will always work best, is figuring out what your specific organization needs to succeed. The best marketing org structure is the one that's designed specifically for what your organization...How Did Grow Its Marketing Teams? When first started, Nathan Ellering (now Head of Demand Generation) was a one-person team. While CEO and co-founder Garrett Moon contributed content and guidance, all things marketing were owned by a single staffer. Talk about a high-pressure environment. The upside? Nathan had total creative control and free reign to test what worked (and what didn’t). He’d learn a new tactic or get started with a new channel. Then, once he figured it out, another team member would be brought on board to take it over. Eventually, more teams were added to tackle new tasks, each strategically selected to support business growth for a fast-moving startup. Product Marketing promotes the product itself: While Branding and PR helps tell 's story to the world: Is it time to rethink your marketing org chart? See how @structures its marketing teams...How to Build Your Own Marketing Department The best marketing team layout is the one you build yourself. A structure that’s tailored to your own needs is going to work better than rigidly sticking to the way things have always been done, or filling roles you think you need because they’re what everyone else is doing. Start With Jobs to be Done Before thinking about specific roles, think about the work that needs to be completed. This doesn’t necessarily mean figuring out what’s the next hot marketing trend and hiring to fill that gap. It means figuring out what makes the most sense for your business, and finding talent to fit your own needs. That’s what the team did when it started out. The results speak for themselves, and might not have been attained as easily had the company followed a traditional hiring pattern. In the early days (and even now) leaned heavily on inbound marketing, creating top-notch blog content to attract leads. The strategy was simple: Do basic keyword research. Create content answering those queries. Promote it via social media and email. That’s effective for bringing in an audience, and eventually converting that audience into a paid customer base. It then added product marketers to help sell the product once an audience had been built. Next, a PR team was built out to help manage key relationships, 10X the buzz around the product, and more. Recommended Reading: The Best Formula for 10X Marketing Growth is Here Research Your Industry Your competition got where they are somehow. Copying them isn’t necessarily a recipe for duplicating success. But, studying them might give you ideas on which roles you need to hire for. Start by searching names and job titles on LinkedIn. Enter a company of similar size to your own (or one you admire, or perhaps a competitor) into the search bar: Next, scroll through the results to find Job Titles: Then, build a spreadsheet mapping out roles you find and where they might logically fit: This can help you sketch out a loose idea of how a marketing department like yours might be structured. You might also reveal roles or opportunities you hadn’t considered before. Recommended Reading: The Marketing Research Process That Will Take Your Content to the Next Level Determine the Most Important Work That Will Make the Most Impact focuses on 10X marketing. This means prioritizing projects that deliver 10X improvements, rather than 10% improvements. It’s allowed the company to grow immensely, and guides how decisions get made. Any marketer or team can follow a similar framework for determining which roles should be filled first. Here’s a brief explanation of what its about from CEO Garrett Moon:Here’s a visual rundown illustrating how this philosophy works in practice: This process is geared toward content marketing, but you can adapt the core concept to prioritizing marketing roles and activities across the board. The goal: figure out the channels, tactics, and strategies that will contribute to 10X business growth. Easier said than done, right? Prioritize Channels Here are some findings from a survey conducted by Get Response: Determine the Roles That Fit Each Channel Broadly speaking, which roles will own which tactics and channels? Some channels might touch multiple teams (for example, customer service, PR, and content might all use social media for different purposes). Determine the Tasks Each Role Should Be Responsible For You know what needs to be done. Now, who will own which tasks? This ties back into your Jobs to be Done. For each job or task, list the steps required to complete it. Here’s an example of what this might look like for creating a blog post: Generate an idea. Do keyword research. Write an outline. Execute post based on outline. Design visual content. Editing and review. Schedule on editorial calendar. Measure performance. Each of these tasks could fall onto different team members: Ideation and writing execution might fall onto content marketing. Keyword research might too, if the organization doesn’t have a dedicated SEO specialist. A graphic designer would be best for creating stunning visual content. An editor or manager would need to review and schedule content. If a team has a dedicated analyst or analytics team, they’d own measuring performance and extracting actionable insights from data. Beyond knowing what you need done, understand what it will take to complete the work effectively. Then, hire accordingly, and divide tasks between the team members best suited to handle each one. Do This With : Task Templates are reusable checklists you can build directly into your marketing management platform with . See how they work. Find the Best Talent Sports teams sometimes draft talent using what’s called a â€Å"best available player† approach. This means that regardless of current talent gaps on their roster, they’ll take the best overall players they can find. Then, they’ll strategize on how to make the best use of those players. It’s all about doubling down on strengths, and finding ways to mitigate weaknesses (if they can’t be eliminated completely). Businesses often do something similar, where they’ll make room for talented team members, even if they weren’t initially hiring for their role. Where can you find these folks? Consider the following places: Networking Events: Are there any relevant professional groups or marketing meetups in your area? Conferences: Large marketing conferences like Inbound and Content Marketing World may be great places to find talent. Social Media: Reach out to your network for referrals. Someone you know might pass along your next great hire. Be sure to post about job opportunities on LinkedIn, or even consider doing some cold outreach to promising prospects you find. Looking to find the best talent in your area (or beyond)? Use these resources: Indeed Workable Jobvite Group Talent Into Logical Teams As you add staff and roles, you may find different people fit better on different teams. Now, here’s the kicker: your org chart might not look exactly like anyone else’s. You’re not your competition. In fact, you’re not anyone but yourselves. So, why be beholden to copying a rigid structure, when you could custom tailor your own talent to your own needs? Take this as permission to put people where they’re best suited to succeed, not where a chart says they have to be.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Summary and Personal Response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Summary and Personal Response - Assignment Example The campaign slogan has not however passed the critics. Some term it as a nonsensical message that has got nothing to do with the safety of the people. For example, Harvey Molotch, NYU Sociologist, has different views about the campaign slogan, â€Å"See Something, Say Something†. According to Harvey, over 2000 residents of New York had actually â€Å"seen something and said something† but nothing tangible had come out of it. He recalls that in 2006 and 2007, over eighteen terrorism related cases were â€Å"seen† and reported. However, it turned out that the reported incidents had nothing to do with terrorism. They were just normal criminal activities such as violations of immigration rules, possession of unregistered guns, and selling of fake commodities. Harvey goes further to state that â€Å"it is not easy to stop terrorism related activities just by using campaign slogans†. Nonetheless, it is unfair to say that reporting does not help at all. A street vendor who alerted the police was able to save Times Square bombing in 2010. The fact that many people in New York are busy doing their own activities is also an impediment in doing what the program advocates. The fact that there are people working on projects that involves wires and gadgets, and the Muslims carrying some machines into their worship places is also another challenge to the â€Å"See Something, Say Something† program. Reporting such harmless incidents will not only charm the law-enforcement system, but also create unnecessary tension. At times, â€Å"see something, say something† can be a nuisance slogan, especially when people report incidents that they are not sure of without involving investigators. The continual reporting of such incidences will also give police officers or investigators hard time to figure out what exactly is needed. â€Å"See something, report something† program also has a â€Å"Chicken Little† upshot. For instance, if New

Friday, November 1, 2019

Biology and the body Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biology and the body - Essay Example l to explain that the female anatomy has been made to support this model where the Vagina is an interior penis, the uterus is the scrotum and the ovaries are the testicles (Laqueur 28). However, this theory of one sex is criticised especially on the womb, which in the ancient times was thought to be the belly, which was common to both men and women. Another theory that Thomas Laqueur put forward and that followed the one sex model is the two sex theory says that the body determines the gender disparities and the female has a completely different anatomy from a male with dissimilar parts of the anatomy functions and feelings. He explained that there is no sex is a monopoly, Laqueur further went ahead and argued that science would only invent new ways of speaking and not to liberate one gender from another, he put out that destiny is anatomy. The film is it a boy or a girl that Phyllis Ward of the intersex society of North America advocates for intersex people goes into deeper analysis on what biologically determines the gender of an individual. The biological differences between the genders help us further understand how the sex of an individual, which is biologically determined before birth, enables one to play his gender role. For instance, what causes a woman to be a woman biologically and how she is wired to perform the activities that involve the gender and her role in sexual intercourse due her having a vagina. The body is at the centre of any understanding regarding gender as the various anatomical processes in the body determine the gender and the anatomical role the gender plays. However according to the one sex model that there exists a monopoly of gender and that the woman was an imperfect man, then it would be accepted that for a man the larger or bigger the penis is the manlier he is presumed to be. However, that idea is fallacious since even in those times of philosopher Aristotle they preferred a small penis, which was thought of as having a higher